Starting from year 1984 to Kulima inserted into rural development programs and emergency activities of rural credit and had their evolution over the past decade with the recognition by the Central Bank and Financial Institution

The biggest relief programs are conducted in partnership with the FARE ( Fund for Economic Rehabilitation ) with the creation of Micro - Banks with IDPPE ( Institute for the Development of Small Scale Fisheries ) and FAO , with the creation of Savings Programs and Revolving Credit ( PCR ) , FFP eat - Fisheries Development Fund and specific packets inserted into Rural Development Programmes .

We currently have operational , the Centers for micro - credit and Ancuabe Meluco in Cabo Delgado , the nhamatanda and Gorongosa in Sofala , opening another bank in the District of BUZI , PCR programs in Zambezia and Inhambane and Gaza and programs loans to Fishermen in Inhambane and Gaza , as well as rural credit in the District of Gile - Zambezia .

Technicians operating directly in micro - credit is 16 .

Customers range between 1,000 and 1,500 people , including rural associations .

The value of the invested capital ranges between 7 and Meticais 8,000,000.00 , excluding the first programs whose amount invested was $ 200,000 ( Spanish Cooperation and FARE ) ... these values ​​already repaid with interest.

The annual amount of savings varies between 3 to 4,000,000.00 Meticais .


Official Partners : Central Bank FARE IDPPE , FFP

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