As a general objective, respecting the statutes of the Organization, it is deticated to activities in the most deprived communities, rural and peri -urban areas, and by working together with them to raise the level of socio - economic development.
Mission is to raise the level of welfare in poor communities in Mozambique. Aiming to fight against all obstacles that support the raise of poverty within the communities by promoting productivity in agriculture and product marketing activities , supporting programs for rural micro - finance, sustainable use of water , promoting environmental sanitation , health and education for all , technical training suitable for different areas, promoting sectors of women, elders , children, and always valuing the culture of PEACE , with actions based on a human rights and good governance .
Be and always remain aware of the needs of people who suffer and be available to give our support to those most disadvantaged in Mozambique. With our support and their hard work they are growing an integrated path in their socio -economic level and becoming leaders in their own development.